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Getting started with Hacktober 2022

Cover Image for Getting started with Hacktober 2022
Lambda IITH

Contributing to a quality piece of open source software can be a great learning experience. Keeping this in mind Hacktoberfest is conducted every year. It is open to everyone and is aimed to encourage involvement in the open source community.

How to participate?

  • Register using your Github/Gitlab account here.
  • Pull requests can be made in any Github or Gitlab hosted project that’s participating in Hacktoberfest (look for the “hacktoberfest” topic in the repository). For example: Heres how you can filter out repositories participating in hacktober fest.
  • Project maintainers must accept your pull/merge requests for them to count toward your total.
  • Have 4 pull/merge requests accepted between October 1 and October 31 to complete Hacktoberfest.


  • You are encouraged to make meaningful contributions to the repository.
  • "Spammy" PRs can be tagged so by the maintainer leading to disqualification from future Hacktober fest events.


The first 40,000 participants (maintainers and contributors) who complete Hacktoberfest can elect to receive one of two prizes: a tree planted in their name, or the Hacktoberfest 2022 t-shirt.

Lambda repos hacktober labelled!

In the spirit of hacktober fest Lambda is also taking part as a maintainer in hacktober fest. Browse through the issue of an existing repo, think you can resolve it? Create a PR for it, think a feature is missing from the AIMS extension? Create a PR for it, Don't like the design of a particular component? Create a PR for it.

Link to our Github repos: LambdaIITH

Join this whatsapp group to discuss with other participating in the event.


  • To get started you can refer to this list of repositories sorted by the programming language. Look for issues that are labelled as good_first_issue or beginner_friendly.
  • Search for repositories by language, using this site!
  • Or you can filter out all the "hacktoberfest" repositories here.
  • The official Hacktober fest site
  • Blogs by DigitalOcean, ServiceNow
  • To fish for swag, do check out swag lists: hacktoberfestswaglist.com, hacktoberfest-swag.com. P.S. Be sure you are looking to add something of substance to the projects, not just spam PRs.

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